Tuesday, May 24, 2022

20220521: GM Klang -> Rimbayu -> Jenjarom

 Total Riders: 6

Total Journey: 68KM

It's been a while since the last ride I had with Captain... and today just need to make it happens. When I had reached GM Klang, Captain already ready and was alone there. I thought I'm late to reach to the starting point, but to my surprise we reached there earlier. Not long after that, another 2 riders (a couple) reached. 

By the time we start our ride, the sun already way up. We strolling along Kesas motorbike lane and it was wonderful pace. It's under the tree shades and everyone was gung-ho as of full of energy. We exit Canal Garden, heading to Rimbayu. There, we meet up another rider. There onwards all of us moving together. 

Not long as the usual route, we would be passing the our first pit stop. That's the BOH plantation at Bukit Cheeding. When the first time I passing this route, it's quite amazing that there is tea plantation at the so called city centre. Though I never been inside the plantation itself, but the signboard does tell something.

We continue our journey thru the kampung route, which I really like it. Again when we turned inside Jalan Helang the road does not really has a lot of cars. This kind of route really make me appreciate more on those peaceful and serene environment of the kampung style. 

I started to feels the heat along the way. Generally we were experiencing the heat wave season. From time to time, the train head was checking if any of us couldn't follow the pace or left behind. Really cycling bring out the comradeship we had, and make friendship more meaningful. The pace slowing down in order for everyone keeping the pace and in single line form. Soon we reached to our destination, the famous Fo Guang Shan in Jenjarom.

Of course we didn't ride to the temple, but we just reached at the outer layer of the temple area where the food court is. We had our breakfast there, and I really the porridge being offered here. Lot of varieties that we could choose from. 

Once fully rested, we start our journey back. I could feels the heat really taking the toll. Even one of us showered himself with water before the journey started to cool himself. Somewhere in Rimbayu, we took a short break. The heat really unbearable at that time. We just detour to cut short the route, and quickly heading back to our starting point.

GPX file: 20220521.gpx

Friday, May 6, 2022

20220424: Team lunch in Tg Karang... a new good restaurant discovered

This team lunch has been postponed before due to myself infected with Covid-19. Hence today to make it happened !!! I've planned to cycle there from my house to Tg Karang which considered a nice route and not far away. At the same time, Ed also wanna join me the ride from Setia Alam to the final destination, one way route.

A day earlier, I started to plan the route using multiple tools. I found out eventually that Bryton Active is not a bad tool and quite easy to use. Bear in mind that this tool is using OpenStreetMap to let the user drawing their route. Other tools such as Ride with GPS using Google Map which may be better in term of their map. Anyway, it's own preference. For me, as long as it's simple to use and FOC and does fulfill my needs, it is a good tool.

What had been planned is less hilly ride which both of us preferred. And also I tried to avoid the main road, and best still those road which has less car travel or kampung route.

The ride started around 7.30am from Setia Alam, not too early and is bright at that moment. We started and maintain the speed of around 23km/h only, perhaps this is what we called it as santai ride. Not long the sun start shining brightly unto us.

As true to the route, it brings us to the route less travelled via the kampung route. We were blessed it has less car passing by and the ride was superb. As if the whole road belongs to us, we just enjoying the morning breeze and scenery along the way.

As this route was mapped only the day before, we just follow the route where it brings us to. We reached to a small fisherman jetty, which is quite nice to stop by and have a quick recovery.

Not too long we reach the first stop Kedai Kopi Shin Lok, bought pau and coffee, and ride towards Pantai Remis to have the breakie. By then, we already 1/3 of our journey today. From here onwards, the sun getting hotter and it takes toll on us. Though still the route was having less car on the road, and we just enjoying it. 

The route bringing us passing by kampung in secluded area, passing by the kampung houses. Not long thereafter, the road getting narrow and I could say it's only passable by bike or single car lane.... Some of the road really not passing by car, and I wondering how the map could bring us to those secluded place. At some point, I really doubt whether I should go ahead and following the route.

Not long, we reached to one of our intended destination, Bukit Melawati Kuala Selangor. Unfortunately, bicycle isn't allow to go up to the hill anymore. The last I heard, there was an accident happened involved a cyclist and the train ride up to the hill. From there onwards, cyclist not allowed to cycle up. Or should reach the are before the train start operating. Since the morning getting hotter, we decided to have a quick stop nearby at those shops. It's just the last 10 km to our destination. 

The last 10 km is pretty tough for us. It's very much a straight and flatten rode. There isn't any shades along the way, we just need to keep paddling all the way. The heat really terrible, and luckily I just had enough water to cooling myself off and keep going forward. Once we reach the Restaurant Sahabat, we both were relieved. Ed was very happy and satisfy to complete the route without much problem. We took a rest for awhile, and the rest of the team mate reaching the restaurant one by one. There they started ordering foods and the feast starts. 

Oh yea, the route bring us to 2 gravel road. It's not a bad one considering this is one of the adventures that we had set out from the beginning. As I always like, travel to the places less travel by car. And this kind of route is part of the fun and unknown journey.

Staircase to Heaven

GPX FILE: 20220424